Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 19

If loving the movie Bride Wars is wrong...

then I don't want to be right.

Sarah of 30 and Counting blogging fame will probably lambast me for this post.  She hated this movie so much she "Boooooooo"ed it on her site.

This might very well be the ONLY thing Sarah and I have ever disagreed about.  Ever.

Oh, Bride Wars.

Let me count the ways....

No.  I better not count the ways. 

It's probably better if I don't analyze it too much.

I'm going to chalk it up to the fact that one of my best friends is getting married in less then a month so, I have a bit of the wedding fever.

But I'll tell you this....

It was the best bad thing I've seen in forever.

It was fluffernutter on white with a side of cheetos and a coke.

I could watch the whole thing again with the sound off just to look at the clothes and Anne Hathaway's hair.

I swear to Britney, I just might buy the dvd.


  1. Ok. I did love Anne Hathaway's hair. And her clothes. But THAT'S IT! ;)

  2. And this is coming from the girl (woman?) that wouldn't audition for "Scream Queens"?? Uh, Irony called and wants his (her?) blog back.
