Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 22

Once upon a time there was a young girl who loved exercise videos.

The sequel.

Once upon a time there was a young girl who was addicted to the 

Tracy Anderson Method Mat Workout DVD.

She started off hating the workout but much like a romantic comedy where the girl finds the guy abhorrent in the beginning but eventually comes to realize that he is the one for her... so it was with the TA workout.

The girl had done the video for two weeks.  And while she wasn't sure she had turned into a "teen tiny dancer" type as Tracy had promised, she did feel her butt was in a far more appropriate place.  

A far more appropriate place.

The young girl now believes that Tracy is a fairy godmother sent from a far away land where the abs are flat, the arms are toned and the butts are firm.  (Actually, I think she is from Indiana.) 

Wherever she is from, her new magical workout is the best thing since cheese in sticks.

She, apparently, is not, however, from a land where they believe in CHAPTER SELECTION ON DVDS!  



That's all I'm...I mean...the young asking for.

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