Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 15

Life without coffee...Day 3.
I've been drinking green tea like it's methadone.

Mark Hyman, M.D. writes about quitting coffee in his book 
Here are some tips for anyone else who wants to join me in my quest.

Eh...I can't even come up with a convincing reason why you should.

I'm sure I had a good reason for quitting coffee, but so far its only turned me into a robe covered house lump.
Who likes green tea...
And chocolate truffles.
Don't judge me.

How to Eliminate Caffeine in 7 days
by Mark Hyman, M.D.
  • 1. Begin on a weekend, when you can take naps as needed.
  • 2. First three days: Cut down to one half your normal amount of coffee, cola, black tea, or other caffeinated beverage intake.
  • 3. Next four days: Drink 1 cup caffeinated green tea steeped in boiling water for five minutes. You may continue green tea for all its wonderful health benefits.
  • 4. All seven days: Take 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams of buffered vitamin C powder.
  • 5. Drink at least six to eight glasses of filtered water a day.

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