Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 7

" matter where you go, there you are."


I had every intention of sleeping in.

That's right!  You heard me!  I was sleeping in and I didn't care what anyone had to say about it!

As I opened my eyes to greet the new day, I wondered what decadent hour I had lounged until.  Was it 8?  8:30? Neh, 9?


I could hear my body laughing at me.  Now it decides to come on board?!  Now?!  


I wandered around my apartment for a few minutes and then it hit me.

I had met the challenge.  I had woken up at 7....

Nothing in the challenge saying I'm not allowed to take a nap....

So I did.

I "napped" from 7:15 until 8:30.

(hee hee)


  1. i LOVE this idea for a blog. i'm so interested to find out what happens after a month. as a hypnotherapist, i know that a change of one tiny habit can change your life, but i'm so interested to find out how it changed yours. great stuff jen. keep writing!


  2. Thanks, Cynthia!!! I really appreciate you taking the time to read it!
    I'll keep you "posted" (bad pun intended) on my progress!


  3. This entry made me laugh out loud and say to myself "That's funny". I don't really know the point in telling you this, however...
