Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 8

"A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes."

`Mahatma Gandhi

I have a new plan of attack.

I am going to tell myself that I enjoy being a morning person.

Maybe I do enjoy it.  Maybe I am just conditioned to believe that I don't enjoy it.  Maybe by anticipating that this experiment would be hard and laborious I have made it hard and laborious.

In that vein, I will now list several things I love about waking up early:

Number 1.

Number 1...


Ok, ok...hold on...I'm thinking...

Aha! THIS is the problem!  I have no idea why I'm waking up early!  

In my fantasies about the 7am life, the person waking up early (aka me) is always doing something of value.  That person is doing yoga or hiking or picking veggies from an organic garden.  

That person is never sitting on her couch bitching about how she is too tired to live!

I need purpose!

Ok.  New, new plan of attack.  

From now on, I seek purpose.  I will strive to fill my extra hour in the day with something that enhances my life!

I'm pretty sure getting to Target right when they open doesn't count...

Alright, I'll think of something else.

1 comment:

  1. But it does Jen! You see, there is something euphoric about being at Target when it is empty, quiet, and childless. Not that there's anything wrong with children, I just enjoy them more when their parents don't let them run around the toothpaste aisle using toothbrushes as swords.
